Uploading a lot of files simultaneously with 4shared.
This feature allows you:
To economize your time.
To manage other files at your account during the uploading.
Don’t wait until one task is ready and start the other.
This is the best opportunity for fidgets to feel comfortable. You can do plenty of work at once.
In addition to all work you do yourself, there is one which 4shared does for you. All files which are
separately or multiply uploaded to 4shared are backed up. You can stay calm for all your files which
are at 4shared, you can even delete them from your computer or any other device, any way your will be
easy accessible at your 4shared account!
Multi files upload at 4shared is a really helpful feature which lets you to save your time, do plenty
of work at once, and back up files in one click without creating special folders or archiving files.
Simon, 22 “
I think that easiest uploading in the world is uploading with 4shared Sync. You can choose
as many files as you want and upload them together.”
Gabriela, 19 “
Once I was hurrying up an tried to upload all my file to 4shared at once. I chose all my
files and pushed “Upload” and and lest that. When I came back, everything was uploaded!”